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Alkonost MaxFormat

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Alkonost MaxFormat enables you to format floppy disks to maximum capacity with maximum efficiency.

MaxFormat can format floppies to the current standard formats for 3.5 inch disks of 1.4MB and 720K, 5.25 inch disks of 1.2MB and 360K, plus additional non-standard formats: 1.72MB and 1.68MB DMF (3.5 inch disks) and 1.5MB (5.25 inch disks).
The DMF (1.68MB) format is often used for distribution floppies under Windows 95/98/Me and Windows NT/2000.
MaxFormat determines the type and number of floppy drives on your system and provides very fast formatting as a multi-tasking background operation.
MaxFormat provides the best sectors interleave to increase reading/writing speeds; the 1.44MB diskettes are faster than the diskettes formatted by Windows explorer.

In addition to formatting floppies, MaxFormat can also verify, make bootable under Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP (even with DMF formats!), clear disks, format only when needed, copy files and whole directories to the diskette automatically after formatting and duplicate diskettes with standard and non-standard formats (create the exact "track by track" copies of diskettes).

Non-standard formats provide you with extra storage space. The additional disk space is often enough to allow you to squeeze marginal files onto standard floppy disks and save you the trouble of fragmenting the file or compressing it. MaxFormat is ideal for those times when just a few extra kilobytes can make a difference! However, MaxFormat is also useful for normal formatting operations, as it works much faster than standard tools and offers a number of unique features to make working with your diskettes more convenient and effective.

Note: The 1.72MB format is not compatible with Windows NT/2000/XP, but the DMF1 and DMF2 (1.68MB) formats work under  Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP.

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System requirements

•    PC-compatible machine
•    4 MB RAM
•    Standard 1.44 MB 3.5" floppy drive 
•    Operating systems: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP

For using of Alkonost MaxFormat you can be logged to NT/2000/XP without Administrator privileges.
Some external USB floppy drives do not support non-standard formats.


Alkonost MaxFormat v.3.60 Trial

Click one of the links below to download the free trial version of Alkonost MaxFormat:

Downloads Size Date
Executable setup file 550K 4/12/2005
Executable setup file in ZIP 530K 4/12/2005


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